Waste Free

Zero waste stores in Victoria

Zero waste stores in Victoria

The Zero Waste Emporium website lists zero waste stores in Victoria, BC that provide produce, meat, vegan items, dairy and dairy alternatives, dry and liquid bulk, personal care and cleaning products, and more, plastic free. www.zerowasteemporium.com FEATURED IMAGE: West Coast Refill, Victoria

Plastic free tips and pledges 1 – 4 from SUPER

Plastic free tips and pledges 1 – 4 from SUPER

I used to eat a lot of store-bought yogurt.  In my cupboard were stacks of empty plastic yogurt containers.  I used many of them to store food, but a good number ended up at the recycling depot.  This seemed like a huge waste of resources […]

Zero Waste Stores are popping up all over Europe

Zero Waste Stores are popping up all over Europe

One business initiative that is increasing worldwide is the introduction of zero waste shopping stores or aisles. Zero waste shops have opened up in Germany, Spain, Italy, France, and many other European countries, stocking plastic free staples, freshly baked goods, fresh produce, zero waste household […]